About Me

My life is a balance..
Mind | Body | Soul | Spirit

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My Story

How I Got Here...

My First Emotion was Fear

My earliest memory is around the age of 5. My dad had locked me in a closet and all I felt was fear overtaking my mind and body. I screamed and cried begging for someone to let me out. I continued until I hyperventilated and passed out. This pattern repeated throughout my childhood in various ways. My dad enjoyed others’ pain and fear. I grew up with a deep-seated fear that constantly spoke to me trying to help me avoid pain.

Dysfunctional Family

My family had every form of dysfunction at one time or another. From divorce to abuse to addiction to imprisonment- we covered it all! I never felt peace or safety in my own home growing up. I never learned what healthy family dynamics should have been. I learned many unhealthy coping skills along the way; namely performance, people pleasing and busy-ness.

Performance and

I chose performance as a way to try to deal with all that was not right in my life. I learned that performing was a driving force that helped with distraction and kept me out of the house as much as possible. I was in all the school plays, the debate team, basketball team, track team, cheerleading, tennis, etc. That performance didn’t stop when I left home. It was a learned pace that I did not know how to stop.

My Breakthrough

Believe it or not, my breakthrough happened when I got cancer at 32 years old. It was cancer that freed me from a lifetime of fear and allowed me to finally experience the peace of the Holy Spirit for the first time in my life. God healed me of cancer; miraculously; and I have never been the same since.

False Identity

It was after fear was removed that God said to me, “This Carrie that you have created can’t handle the weight of what I have for you.”I knew in that moment it was time for me to fully surrender all the ways I had learned to self-protect and function apart from my true identity. God started the transformation process to help me throw off everything that was false about me so that who He created could finally come forth.

Now I Want to Help Others Live Life to the Fullest!

My walk of freedom from fear and embracing my true identity is now part of how I am able to help others do the same. So many of us have been trapped in fear and people pleasing. It is time to let go and live the abundant life God has given each of us to live.

My Mindset


The most powerful force in the universe and the purist motive to operate from. My goal is to operate from love in all that I do, say, and create.


I think I came hardwired from the factory with a supernatural joy. It has never left me, no matter what i have gone through. I am grateful to find joy in the midst of life's ups and downs. I am intentional to seek it out daily.  


Peace comes through knowing who
we are in the Lord and how deeply
He cares for us. If He cares for the
birds of the air and the fish of the
sea, He will care for us as well.

My Adventures

My life has gotten pretty interesting as of late...