I had always pictured myself in a “safe” career. I either wanted to be a teacher or a counselor.
By “safe” I mean, predictable, steady, scheduled, routine. These were careers I was both
familiar with and comfortable. Now, with the world we live in, is any career actually “safe”?
However, on the other side of letting go of fear, I found myself in a career working with women
who had been sexually exploited. I made monthly trips into every strip club in Dallas and Fort
Worth, hosted a weekly support group and learned how to run a successful non-profit.
This career opened doors for me to learn and grow and connect with so many modern-day
unsung heroes.
Needless to say, I have no regrets about the path that I am on, and, I have had the opportunity
to do tons of teaching and counseling within my job. Nothing is wasted- not my degree and
education, not the childhood dreams or visions. It just came in a very different package.
I now love helping others find their dream career! It may be just on the other side of fear or
comfortability. It may be as simple as a mindset shift for someone’s current role to be
transformed into a fulfilling career. It is worth it to work at something you love and wake up
excited for every day.