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Carrie Grace

Helping You Live a Life of Abundance

An Abundant Life is Available to you


Not when all of your circumstances are perfect; not when you hit your goal weight or have a certain dollar amount in your account. Abundance is available right now.

Who is Carrie?


I process life through writing. For most of my life, my physical, mental, and spiritual wellness has been directly linked to writing. Now I am sharing these writings with you in hopes that it will support your journey as well.  

My Books

I have been speaking for over three decades in front of large, small, and virtual audiences. I seek to inspire others by sharing the drastic changes that I've seen in my life. My hope is that my words would spark the same changes in the lives of others.

Book Me to Speak

I teach because I know that the principles that have changed my life will change the lives of others too. I've taught in foreign countries, refugee camps, the offices of government officials, and my own children as well. Teaching is the most tangible expression of who I am.

Browse My Courses

What is Abundance

Abundance is not a certain level of success or wealth...

Abundance is a Mindset

It's the opposite of scarcity and survival

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Abundance is Contentment

"I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength."
- Philippians 4:11-13

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Abundance is a Lifestyle

It flows with gratitude. presence, and connection.

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Abundance is a Life of

"I came that they may have life and have it abundantly." - John 10:10

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Reclaim your Femininity

Register for our "Reclaim Femininity" groups today!
*Limited Spots are Available*

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What people are

"I have always left the events better
than I came"

- Mellony

"Carrie taught me that experiencing is more feminine, and to really experience things again changed my life."

- Amelia

"The groups have helped me to realize that I am feminine, and I don't have to hold back parts of myself."

- Celina

Live abundantly university

Learn how to live your best life


Build a life that works

Every person is different. From our natural rhythms to our life circumstances, there is no one size fits all. To truly live an abundant life, every single area must be functioning according to design. These courses are designed to help you discover how to build a life that supports your full identity and purpose.

Find your balance

To live a truly abundant life, we need to be able to steward all of the most important aspects of our lives with excellence, refusing to sacrifice one particular aspect for another.

Live from original design

From the smallest atom to the largest structure, everything around us operates from original design. However, so many of us get caught up in striving to live a life that doesn't line up with how we were created to function. As a result, we face discouragement, burnout, and lack of identity.

Begin today with Live Abundantly University

Begin Today

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